Their story

Champagne Lonclas was founded by Bernard Lonclas in 1976. Everything takes place in the heart of the typical village wholesale jerseys of Bassuet surrounded by slopes whose precious soil is perfect for growing Chardonnay grapes. With the help of his daughter Aurélie, the man with a passion for his vineyards and wines, distinguishes himself by rigorously selecting his grapes as well as choosing his different blends. Enthusiasm, modernity i and respect for tradition made Lonclas one of the Champagne region’s benchmarks. Traditional know-how is combined with modern technology to make the best out of those magnificent Chardonnay grapes.

Quality wines

Strictly regulated according to the type of pruning selected, this takes place over the winter but never when it is freezing. Our entire vineyard is pruned in Chablis style, a noble method that involves removing some of cheap jerseys the vine’s branches (“arms”, shoots, buds) to keep the number of buds required to obtain a high-quality yield. The goal is to regulate and harmonise the production and vigour of each vine. From May to June, the vegetation is encouraged to grow upwards to maximise its exposure Haton to sunlight. Shoots are supported by wires so that they do not touch the ground. During the principal wholesale nfl jerseys growth period, shoots can grow several centimetres a day. In June, shoots are separated and raised using staples between the vines to attach them to the supporting wires. The grapes ripen more quickly if exposed to Ephedrine the sun. Once a year, the wines are skilfully blended in an almost ritualistic fashion by Aurélie, Bernard and other members of the team. Each of them expresses their tastes, sensations and emotions to attain the subtlety and originality that make the Bernard Lonclas style unique. The cosseted wines are then sent down to the cellars where they peacefully wait for maturity in the peaceful darkness.

The domain

All the vineyards exploited by Lonclas Champagne is in the region of Vitry-Le-Francois, a region often overlooked by the general public.This vineyard has 300 hectares AOC Champagne harvesters and 25 growers. This region is ideal for growing since the vine is exposed on south / southwest hillsides where it enjoys maximum sunshine. The chalky soil also promotes the maturity of the grape.
Chardonnay (white grape) is the main grape variety (98%), the remainder being Pinot Noir.

